Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's not just about me...

Today I set out on my 8km run. I love to run in the heat. My son & daughter like joining me on their bikes. But today my daughter asked to join me and run with me. She is quite the little athlete. We started out great and were visiting and I could tell she was getting winded. After trying 1 min run, 1 min walk, she started to cry and said I can't do it Mom. Many things happened in that minute. I was proud of her for listening to her body and stopping. I was proud that she got that far. But most of all I was proud of me for being an healthy example and setting a standard for myself that she was trying to mimick! We ended up walking back and trying to take short cuts that turned into long cuts....but through it all I was so proud of her. Tomorrow, she wants to try again. Not so far Mom, but maybe by the end of summer I can do it......just like you!

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