Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am finally here....

Welcome to my Blog! FITNESS!! It's my passion. It's what I work so hard at. It's what I dream about.

Thank you for checking me out. My hope & dream is to have you visit often because you are inspired, you feel connected and you feel safe. I'm hoping to share my fitness journey with you, successes & struggles. In return, I hope you share with me yours. I am no professional yet, but I have plans once my family gets a bit older. In the meantime, I hope to share my knowledge with those who need it and offer my opinion to those who want it.

Fitness fuels my passion for God, my family, life and the beliefs I have. My daily sessions give me time to reflect on my life and who I want to be and what I want to do with my life and offer this world.

Yahoo!!! Here we go!!!

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