Monday, August 2, 2010


Food - This summer it has remained that. Food. Not Fuel. Fitness to me means working my body to it's maximum and fueling my body with food that will allow this to happen. The fitness equation is 20% workouts and 80% nutrition. That is my daily motto. I have made my self a rough daily food intake, I'm a pro at what my body needs, I just need to do it!!! The focus is PROTEIN & H20!!! Chicken, powder, canned tuna, fish, protein pancakes, protein bars.....little side note...I'm missing my babers.....I will conquer hunger first with water, I will eat 6 small meals a day and will stop carbs b/w 3:00 & 5:00.

I've rocked this before and plan on getting to that point in the next 2 weeks. What a difference in my body when I eat to FUEL.

I plan to get my metabolism soaring in the next 2 weeks. Every minute of the day I will be in check and on task....once I get there, there will be NO turning back. Breaks over.....time for HARD WORK!!!!

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